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Ubuntu is released every six months, with long-term support LTS releases every two years. Ubuntu is developed by British company Canonical[22] and a community of other developers, under a meritocratic governance model.

Ubuntu is named after the Nguni philosophy of ubuntuwhich Canonical indicates means “humanity to others” with a connotation of “I am what I am because of нажмите для деталей we all are”.

Ubuntu is built on Debian ‘s architecture and infrastructure, and comprises Linux server, desktop and discontinued phone and tablet operating system versions.

Current long-term support LTS releases are supported for five years, and are released every two years. Since the release of Ubuntu 6. Ubuntu packages are based on packages from Debian’s unstable branch, which are synchronised every six months. Both distributions use Debian’s deb package format and package management tools e.

APT and Ubuntu Software. Debian and Ubuntu packages are not necessarily binary compatible with each other, however, so packages may need to be rebuilt from source to be used in Ubuntu.

Ubuntu cooperates with Debian by pushing changes back to Debian, [39] although there has been criticism that this does not happen often enough. Ian Murdockthe founder of Debian, had expressed concern about Ubuntu packages potentially diverging too far from Debian to remain compatible. One month before release, imports are frozenand windows server 2012 foundation vmware free then work to ensure that the frozen features interoperate well together.

Ubuntu is currently funded by Canonical Ltd. The purpose of the foundation is windows server 2012 foundation vmware free ensure the support and development for all future versions of Ubuntu.

Mark Shuttleworth describes the foundation goal as to ensure the continuity of the Ubuntu project. On 12 MarchUbuntu announced developer support for third-party cloud management platforms, such as those used at Amazon EC2.

It was decided to support ” legacy software “, i. A default installation of Ubuntu contains a адрес range of software that includes LibreOfficeFirefoxThunderbirdTransmissionand several lightweight games such as Sudoku and Mines. Many additional software packages that are no longer installed by default, such as EvolutionGIMPPidginand Synapticare still accessible in the repositories and installable by the main tool or by any other APT-based package management tool.

Cross-distribution snap packages and flatpaks are also available, [46] that both allow installing software, such as some of Microsoft’s software, in most of the major Linux operating systems such as any currently supported Ubuntu version and перейти на страницу Fedora. All of the application software windows server 2012 foundation vmware free by default is free software.

In addition, Ubuntu redistributes some hardware drivers that are available only in binary format, but such packages are clearly marked in the restricted component. Ubuntu aims to be secure by default.

For increased security, the sudo tool is used to assign temporary privileges for performing administrative tasks, which allows the windows server 2012 foundation vmware free account to remain locked and helps prevent inexperienced users from inadvertently making catastrophic system узнать больше здесь or opening security holes. Most network ports are closed by default to prevent hacking.

Посетить страницу источник also supports full disk encryption [55] as well as encryption of the home and private directories. The system requirements vary among Ubuntu products. For the Ubuntu desktop release Ubuntu also supports the ARM architecture.

The x “AMD64” architecture is also перейти на источник supported. Live images are the typical way for users to assess and subsequently install Ubuntu. These can be downloaded as a disk image. Running Ubuntu in this way is slower than running it from a hard drivebut does not alter the computer unless specifically instructed by the user.

If the user chooses to boot the live image rather than execute an windows server 2012 foundation vmware free at boot time, there is still the option to then use an installer called Windows server 2012 foundation vmware free to install Ubuntu once booted into the live environment. Creating a bootable USB drive with persistence is as simple as dragging a slider to determine по ссылке much space to reserve for persistence; for this, Ubuntu employs casper.

Ubuntu divides most software into four domains to reflect differences in licensing and the degree of support available. Free software includes software that has met the Ubuntu licensing requirements, [71] which roughly correspond to the Debian Free Software Guidelines.

Exceptions, however, include firmwarein the Main category, because although some firmware is not allowed to be modifiedits distribution is still permitted.

Non-free software is usually unsupported Multiversebut some exceptions Restricted are made for important non-free software. Supported non-free software includes device drivers that can be used to run Ubuntu on some current hardware, such as binary-only graphics card drivers.

The level of support in the Restricted category is more limited than that of Main, because the developers may not have access to the source code. It is intended that Main and Restricted should contain all software needed for a complete desktop environment.

In addition to the above, in which the software does not receive new features after an initial release, Ubuntu Backports is an officially recognized repository for backporting newer продолжить from later versions of Ubuntu. Backports receives no support at all from Canonical, and is entirely community-maintained. The -updates repository provides stable release перейти SRU of Ubuntu and are generally installed through update-manager.

Each release is given its own -updates repository e. The repository is supported by Canonical Windows server 2012 foundation vmware free. All updates to the repository must meet certain requirements and go through the -proposed repository before being made available to the public.

In addition to the -updates repository, the unstable -proposed repository contains uploads that must be confirmed before being copied into -updates. All updates must отличная windows server 2012 r2 datacenter pricing free download считаю through this process to ensure that the patch does truly fix the bug and there is no risk of regression.

Canonical’s partner repository lets vendors of proprietary software deliver their products to Ubuntu users at no cost through the same familiar tools for installing and upgrading software.

Canonical supports the packaging of the software for Ubuntu [77] [78] [79] and provides guidance to vendors. The free software Wine compatibility layer can be installed to allow users to run Windows software.

Some third-party software that does not limit distribution is included in Ubuntu’s multiverse component. Additionally, third-party application suites are available for download via Ubuntu Software and the Snap store[83] including many games such as BraidMinecraft and Oil Rush[84] software for DVD playback and media codecs.

Each Ubuntu release has a version number that consists of the year and month number of the release. Ubuntu releases are also given alliterative code namesusing an adjective and an animal e. With the exception of the first two releases, code names are in alphabetical order, allowing a quick determination of which release is newer, адрес страницы least until restarting the cycle with the release of Artful Aardvark in October Ubuntu However, it is possible to skip an LTS upgrade, going straight from This departed from the traditional schedule of releasing at the end of October in order to get “the perfect 10”, [98] and makes a designer help lines download reference to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy books, since, перейти binaryequals decimal 42the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything” within the series.

Ubuntu Desktop formally named as Ubuntu Desktop Edition, and simply called Ubuntu is the variant officially recommended for most users. It is designed for desktop and laptop PCs and officially supported by Canonical. A number of variants are distinguished simply by each featuring a different desktop environment, or, in the case of Ubuntu Server, no desktop.

Most Ubuntu editions and flavours simply install a different set of default packages to the standard Ubuntu Desktop. Since they share the same package repositories, all of the same software is available for each of them. AppArmor security module for the Linux kernel is used by default on key software packages, and the firewall is extended to common services used by the operating system. Ubuntu had some official distributions that have been discontinued, such as Edubuntu ; including some previously supported by Canonical, like Ubuntu Touchthat is now maintained by volunteers UBports Community.

Alongside the official flavours are those that are unofficial. These are still in the process of becoming recognized as official flavours by Canonical. Another major focus is Canonical Juju for provisioning, deploying, hosting, managing, and orchestrating enterprise data center infrastructure services, by, with, and for the Ubuntu Server. As Ubuntu is distributed freely and historically there was windows server 2012 foundation vmware free registration process приведенная ссылка optional [] []Ubuntu usage can only be roughly estimated.

W3Techs analyses the top 10 million websites only. Wikimedia Foundation data based on user agent for September shows that Ubuntu generated the most page requests to Wikimedia sites, including Wikipedia, among recognizable Linux distributions.

As of November [update]Ubuntu Another Nvidia supercomputer tops the Green list and it and the больше на странице one are also Ubuntu-baseda list windows server 2012 foundation vmware free is a reordering of former list, ordered by power-efficiency.

The public sector has also adopted Ubuntu. As of January [update]the Ministry of Education and Science of North Macedonia deployed more than[] Ubuntu-based classroom desktops, and has encouraged every student in the country to use Ubuntu-powered computer workstations; [] the Spanish school system hasUbuntu desktops.

Previously, Windows was used in the schools. Textbooks were also remade with an Ubuntu syllabus and was used in schools as of In February the majority coalition decided, against heavy protest from the opposition, [] to evaluate the migration back to Windows, [] after Microsoft had decided to move its company headquarters to Munich. In Marchthe government of Iceland launched a project to get all public institutions using free and open-source software.

Already, several government agencies and schools windows server 2012 foundation vmware free adopted Ubuntu. The government cited cost savings as a big factor for the decision, and also stated that open-source software avoids vendor lock-in. A month project was launched to migrate the biggest public institutions in Iceland to using open-source software, and help ease the migration for others.

Starting inthe Wikimedia Foundationthe non-profit organization behind Wikipediaswitched from multiple different Linux operating systems to Ubuntu. As of January [update]almost half of Google’s 20, employees used Goobuntua slightly modified version of Ubuntu. InJamie Hynemanco-host of the American television series MythBustersadvocated Linux giving the example of Ubuntu as a solution to software bloat. In JuneCanonical announced that they would be deprecating support for bit applications and libraries in Ubuntu Because Steam’s Linux client depends on these bit libraries, Valve announced that they would no longer windows server 2012 foundation vmware free supporting Ubuntu.

After uproar from the Linux gaming community, Canonical backtracked on this decision windows server 2012 foundation vmware free decided to support select bit libraries. As a result, Valve will support Ubuntu Wine needs most of the same bit library packages that the Steam package depends on, and more, to enable its version of WoW64 windows server 2012 foundation vmware free run bit Windows applications.

Windows server 2012 foundation vmware free parts of Wine that would continue to function without bit libraries would be limited to the subset of Windows applications that have a bit version, removing windows server 2012 foundation vmware free of Windows compatibility.

In Canonical’s statement [] on bringing back the libraries, they mentioned using “container technology” in the future to make sure that Wine continues to function. Soon after being introduced indoubts emerged on the conformance of the shopping lens a feature that displays Amazon suggestions in the searching tool Unity Windows server 2012 foundation vmware free with the European Data Protection Directive. Canonical did not reply. Almost one year later the ICO ruled in favour of Canonical, considering the various improvements introduced to the feature in the meantime to render it conformable with продолжить Data Protection Directive.