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Marquee series microsoft office 2016 pdf free
No portion of this book may be reproduced mechanically, electronically, or by any other means,. This material has been prepared by.
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Windows 10 is set to display file extensions. Scenario Develetech Industries is a mid-size home electronics manufacturer located in the fictitious city and state of Greene City, Richland RL.
Develetech has continued to grow and now has stores throughout the United States, as well as stores in select cities in Canada and Mexico. Recent industry rumors indicate that expansion into Europe is on the horizon. You have recently joined Develetech as a sales manager. Your responsibilities include using Excel to analyze sales trends and other company data. You have used other spreadsheet applications to work with data in the past, but not Excel.
You realize you’ll need to get up to speed on how Excel works, and fast. You decide to start by locating the critical user interface elements you’ll work with most often.
As part of the onboarding and orientation process, your HR representative provided you with the company paid holiday schedule for the current year as an Excel workbook file. Because you need to plan your paid time off anyway, you decide to open that file in Excel to explore the user interface. Notify students of any changes to activities Note: Activities may vary slightly if the software vendor has issued digital updates.
Your based on digital software instructor will notify you of any changes. Open Excel Open the Develetech Holiday Schedule. Assist d Select the Develetech Holiday Schedule. Navigate the ribbon. Explore the Backstage view. When students select 5. Navigate the worksheet with the mouse. Verify that it is displayed with a solid green border and that A1 Backstage view, the appears in the Name Box.
Let them c Select cell C Verify that it is now the active cell, that C10 appears in the Name Box, and that know this is normal, that Christmas appears in the Formula Bar. Confirm that the range A1:A10 is selected and that cell A1 is the current activity, and the active cell.
Remind students that i Select cell A2. Reinforce the notion l Press and hold down the Ctrl key, and then select the range AC Use the keyboard to navigate the worksheet. Press and hold down Shift and press Enter to navigate back to cell A1. Press and hold down Shift and press Tab to navigate back to cell A1.
Leave the workbook open. Having taken these few important first steps, you’re ready to begin taking advantage of the wide array of functionality Excel has to offer. But, in order to do so, you’ll need to be familiar with where to look to find the commands you need. The ribbon is a graphical user interface that contains all of the most commonly used commands you will need to create, modify, and work with your Excel workbooks.
It was designed as a way to provide quick access to frequently used commands without the need to extensively navigate menus and submenus. The ribbon is displayed along the top of the Excel UI and is organized into a series of tabs that contain command groups. These command groups contain sets of functionally related commands that you will use to enter, format, revise, and work with your workbook data. Note: This course uses a streamlined notation for ribbon commands.
The Paste command button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab is an example of this. These downward-facing arrows in the bottom- right corner of some command groups open dialog boxes that provide you with access to even more commands and options related to the functionality of the particular group’s commands. Figure The Excel ribbon. You can add tabs, groups, and individual Ribbon customization is commands to suit your particular needs and work habits.
You can also hide the ribbon to create discussed in more depth more workable space within the application window. The following table provides a description of the various ribbon elements.
Ribbon Element Description Tabs Organizes the ribbon at the highest level according to task functions such as inserting objects, working with formulas, and configuring the view of your worksheets. Groups Contain functionally related sets of commands that you will use to perform most Excel tasks.
Commands Execute the desired action or configure the desired settings and options. Dialog box launchers Open dialog boxes containing further commands or options related to the functionality of the group’s commands. Tell Me Allows you to perform a keyword search for Excel commands. The following table describes the types of commands each of the ribbon tabs displays. Selecting the File tab accesses the Backstage view, providing you with access to these commands and settings. Home Executing some of the most common Excel tasks.
The Home tab displays commands for basic text formatting and editing; applying various styles and formatting to your data; and sorting, filtering, and searching your data. Insert Inserting a variety of objects, such as charts, tables, and graphics, into your workbooks; creating and editing hyperlinks; adding headers and footers to worksheets; and inserting equations and symbols. Page Layout Applying themes and effects to worksheets; configuring the overall layout You may want to show of your worksheets; and arranging worksheet objects.
If not, please View Configuring workbook views, viewing multiple workbooks simultaneously, remind students to visit and setting the magnification level. Tell Me This course assumes Tell Me use of the ribbon, but you may wish to let Excel ‘s Tell Me feature, located after the rightmost ribbon tab, provides you with the ability to students know that they quickly search for a particular command. While it’s helpful to become acquainted with the ribbon, can use Tell Me there are times when you may not be able to find exactly what you’re looking for.
By typing text into throughout, if they Tell Me, Excel will return several of the most relevant search results in a drop-down menu; each prefer. Figure Using Tell Me to search for a command, as well as displaying Recently Used search results.
Even if you don’t know the exact name of the command you’re looking for, Tell Me can still return useful results when you use relevant search terms. For example, searching for “insert image” will return the actual command Insert Picture. Additionally, when you place your insertion point in the Tell Me text box, a Recently Used section of the drop-down menu will automatically display the last five commands you searched for and executed. This can help you save time if you need to repeatedly search for the same few commands.
ScreenTips appear when you place the mouse pointer over commands and some other elements of the UI. ScreenTips appear in a small pop-up window, and provide information such as a command’s name, a description of what the command or screen element does, and the keyboard shortcut that performs the same function.
KeyTips differ from ScreenTips in that they allow you to actually interact with particular commands on screen. KeyTips appear as either a single alphanumeric character or a sequence of them. To access the particular tab or engage the particular command associated with a KeyTip, simply press the corresponding key or sequence of keys on the keyboard. It is important to note that KeyTips do not function the same as keyboard shortcuts.
To turn off KeyTips, simply press the Alt key again or select any screen element with the mouse pointer. Like the ribbon, the Quick Access Toolbar can be customized. Figure The Quick Access Toolbar. The Mini toolbar is displayed when you right-click the active cell on a worksheet. It is a small, rectangular pop-up window that contains a set of common text editing and formatting commands that you can use to work with the data in the active cell.
In Excel , there are actually multiple versions of the Mini toolbar: the main version that is displayed when you right-click an active cell, and variations of the main Mini toolbar that are displayed when you right-click various other objects on worksheets, such as images and charts. Context menus also appear when you select or right-click particular objects or data within worksheets.
Context menus display a list of commands and options that pertain to working with the specific type of content you have selected. Figure Variations on the Mini toolbar and context menus in Excel Scenario You are now familiar with the overall general layout of the Excel environment. You’d like to focus on discovering where some of the commonly used commands are. You decide to use ScreenTips to help you begin to identify some of the commands you’ve been wondering about.
The Tell Me feature will also help you find some of the commands you haven’t yet located on the ribbon. You also want to look over one or two of the dialog boxes to see what commands are available there. Additionally, you’ve just received an email message from the HR department informing you of an error on the holiday schedule, which you’ll need to correct. The holiday schedule workbook is already open, which works out well as you also want to add a few entries to the worksheet to help you plan your vacation time.
Use ScreenTips to identify common commands. Examine the commands in a dialog box. Find another dialog box with Tell Me. Add data to a cell. Replace existing data in a cell. Save and close the file. Saving the file by using this method will overwrite the existing data file.
Inform the students that a copy of the original data file has been included in the solutions folder for this lesson if students wish to practice this activity again. It’s likely you will be called upon to work with data for a number of different purposes and regarding a number of different subjects. You may also need to present similar information to multiple audiences. As such, you’ll find yourself creating a variety of different workbooks that you will need to save as separate items, as well as saving multiple versions of the same workbooks.
Microsoft Excel makes it easy to accomplish these tasks. You can create a new blank workbook to start from scratch, or you can decide to start with an existing Excel workbook template, and then make changes to suit your needs. Let students know templates will be covered in depth in Lesson 4.
Figure The New tab in the Backstage view. The following table describes the various elements of the New screen in the Excel Backstage view. Start searching button Execute a search based on the search term s entered in the Search for online templates field. Suggested searches section Search for Office. These categorized searches are also broken down into sub-categories for more precise searching.
Blank workbook tile Create a new, blank workbook. This is an XML-based file format that allows Excel to compress files when you close them, making them up to 75 percent smaller than files saved in the previous Excel file format, XLS. The XLSX file format also provides other benefits over the previous file format, such as easier recovery of damaged files, increased security and protection functionality, and greater compatibility with other applications.
Microsoft Excel also supports a host of other file types that enable you to open workbook files from previous versions of Excel and share files in a variety of formats with other users. The following table provides a partial list of the file types available in Excel Excel Binary Workbook. This file type may not be compatible with some applications that work only with XML-based files. Excel Workbook. The XLS format is a binary file format, which isn’t as compatible with other computer applications as the newer, XML-based file format.
Excel Template. This format is used to save workbooks as templates so that you can create new workbooks based on the template contents, layout, and format. You use the Save command to save changes to an existing workbook without changing the file name or the file location. You use the Save As command to save new workbook files or to make changes to existing files, such as the file name and location.
Both the Save and Save As commands are accessible in the left pane in the Backstage view. The Quick Access Toolbar also provides access to the Save command by default. Note: If you select Save to save a new workbook file, Excel automatically displays the Save As screen, as you must specify a location and a file type when saving new files.
The Save As Screen The Save As screen contains the commands and options you will use to select a location to save The Save As Screen your workbook files, either on your computer, on an attached storage device, or in a remote location such as a network share or an online file storage service. The following table describes the four main options on the Save As screen.
OneDrive is a file storage and sharing service the lesson on workbook that enables you to store files online or “in the cloud” for easy access sharing and from any location that has Internet access.
You must have a Microsoft collaboration. This PC This option acts as a shortcut to display a list of locations that you’ve recently saved your workbooks to. The shortcuts are divided into various sections based on time, such as Today and Yesterday. This PC also shows where your currently opened workbook is saved, under the Current Folder section. Selecting one of the shortcuts opens a Save As dialog box to that location.
In this dialog box, you can name your file and select the appropriate file type. Browse This option immediately opens the Save As dialog box to your local Documents folder, or to the current workbook’s location if it’s already been saved.
You can use this option to quickly browse to a specific location where you want to save your workbook. Compatibility Mode Compatibility Mode When you open a workbook file in Excel that was created by using Excel or an earlier version , Excel opens the file in Compatibility mode and the Title bar displays the file name with the text [Compatibility Mode] next to it.
You can open and work with files in Compatibility mode to preserve the original file format, allowing you to subsequently open the file in previous versions of Excel. Keep in mind that some Excel features are not available in all versions of Excel. Figure The Title bar of a workbook file open in Compatibility mode. The Convert Option The Convert Option When you open a workbook in Excel that was created in a version of Excel, and you no longer need to keep the workbook in the previous file format, you can convert the workbook into the current XLSX format.
Using the Convert option provides you with access to all of the features and functionality available in Excel Often, converting a file to the newer file format will also reduce the size of your workbook file. Figure The Convert option. The previous version of the file is no longer available for you to work with. You can access the Convert option from the Info tab in the Backstage view of any workbook that is open in Compatibility mode.
The Compatibility Checker The Compatibility Checker allows you to test the compatibility of objects and data in an Excel The Compatibility workbook when you intend to save it in an earlier Excel file format.
This is typical when you need to Checker share a file you created in a newer version of Excel with a user who has an older version of Excel installed on their machine. Selecting the Check Compatibility command opens the Microsoft Excel – Compatibility Checker dialog box, in which you can view a list of features in your Excel file that are not supported in earlier versions of Excel.
Excel will also run the Compatibility Checker automatically when you attempt to save a current Excel workbook file in the previous file format. Unchecking the Check compatibility when saving this workbook check box allows you to save in previous versions without the Compatibility Checker running automatically. However, be careful when you uncheck this feature; you will lose certain functionality when you save back to previous versions. There are two levels of compatibility issues the Compatibility Checker can detect: minor loss of fidelity and significant loss of functionality.
With minor compatibility issues, you can likely save the workbook in an earlier file format with limited loss of functionality. Common changes when saving back to an earlier file format include the removal of table and text formatting not supported in earlier versions. Doing so may cause you to lose data, experience formula or calculation failures, or experience other serious issues. Scenario Now that you’re more familiar with the Excel UI and some of its basic commands, you feel comfortable enough to create your first new workbook.
A colleague has emailed you some basic sales data for two new products, and you expect more data soon. You decide to create a new workbook, enter the data, and then save the workbook so you can add more data to it as it comes in.
Another colleague has asked for a copy of the file, but she works in Excel So you’ll also have to save a copy of the file in an earlier format. Create a new blank workbook. Add column labels for the data. Remind students that 3. In the Product column, enter the product names. In the Quantity column, enter the quantity data.
In the Price column, enter the price data. Save the workbook in the default Excel file format. Save a copy of the workbook file in a previous file format. You’ll need to be familiar with what these data types are and how Excel deals with them. Having a working knowledge of how Excel “sees” data is an important first step to developing the skills you’ll need to crunch your numbers and keep track of your important information.
In this topic, you’ll use fundamental Excel features to help you enter data. Data Types One of the most fundamentally important things to understand about Excel is that it is not a “what Data Types you see is what you get” type of environment.
Often, the value or text that appears within a cell is not what is actually stored in the cell. A simple example of this is the result of a calculation. If you have a formula entered in a cell, by default, the cell will display the result of the formula. But 2 is not the actual cell data; the formula is. Although this may, at first, not seem highly important, as you begin to work with the more complex functionality in Excel, it will become a critical concept to understand.
Note: When you’re in Edit mode, the cell displays its actual content, similar to the way the Formula Bar displays cell content. So if a cell contains a formula, while you edit the content, the cell displays the formula.
When you’re in Enter mode, Excel displays the formula result in the cell. Figure The difference between what you see in a cell and what’s actually in the cell. Although Excel cells can contain an incredible array of content, there are really only a few general categories of data that you’ll work with on a regular basis.
Data Category Description Values Numeric constants that do not change unless you edit the cell contents. Examples include 1, , These can largely be viewed as labels for related sets of data on a worksheet.
Examples include “Sales,” “Q1,” and “Total. Formulas are dynamic, so the displayed value can change if you change the cell data “feeding” the formula. Dates and times Date and time values. These can be used both as simple labels or as part of certain mathematical or logical operations.
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Marquee series microsoft office 2016 pdf free
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Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Mohamed Hamza. A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF. Translate PDF. The name used in the data files for this course is that of a fictitious company. Marquee series microsoft office 2016 pdf free resemblance to current or future companies is purely coincidental. We do not believe we have used anyone’s name in creating this course, but if we have, please notify us and we will change the name in the next revision of the course.
Logical Operations is an independent весьма free pc games exe file of integrated training solutions for individuals, businesses, educational institutions, and government agencies. The use of screenshots, photographs of another entity’s products, or another entity’s product name or service in this book is for editorial purposes only. No such use should be construed to imply sponsorship or endorsement of the book by marquee series microsoft office 2016 pdf free any affiliation of such entity with Logical Operations.
This courseware may contain links to sites on the Internet that are owned and operated by third parties the “External Sites”. Logical Operations is not responsible for the availability of, or the content located on or through, any External Site. Please contact Logical Operations if you have any concerns regarding such links or External Sites. The other Microsoft products and services discussed or described may be trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other product and service names used may be common law or registered trademarks of their respective proprietors. All rights reserved. Screenshots used for illustrative purposes are the property of подробнее на этой странице software proprietor.
This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system, or otherwise, without express written permission of Logical Operations, Winton Place, Rochester, NYin the United States and Marquee series microsoft office 2016 pdf free, in all other countries. This book conveys no rights in the software or other products about which it was written; all use or licensing of such software or other products is the responsibility of the user according to terms and conditions of the owner.
Do not make illegal copies of books or software. If you believe that this book, related materials, or any other Logical Operations materials are being reproduced or transmitted without permission, please call in the United States and Canada, in all other countries. But with the amount of available data growing on a daily basis, the ability to make sense of all of that data is becoming more and more challenging. Excel can help you organize, calculate, analyze, revise, update, and present your data in ways that will help the decision makers in your organization steer you in the right direction.
It will also make these tasks much easier for you to accomplish, and in much less time, than if you used traditional pen- and-paper methods or non-specialized http://replace.me/29263.txt. This course aims to provide you with a foundation for Excel knowledge and skills, which you can build upon to eventually become an expert in data manipulation. Course Description Target Student This course is intended for students who wish to gain the foundational understanding of Microsoft Office Excel that is necessary to create and work with electronic spreadsheets.
Course Prerequisites To ensure success, students will need to be familiar with using читать computers and should have experience using a keyboard and mouse.
Specific tasks the students should be able to perform include: opening and closing applications, navigating basic file structures, and audition cs6 gratuit free files and folders. In most cases, lessons are arranged in order of increasing proficiency. The results-oriented topics include relevant and supporting information you need to master the content.
Each topic has читать полностью types of activities designed to enable you to solidify your understanding of the informational material presented in the course. Information is provided for reference and reflection to facilitate understanding and practice. Data files for various activities as well as other supporting files for the course are available by download from the CHOICE Course screen.
Перейти на страницу addition to sample data for the course exercises, the course files may contain media components to enhance your learning and additional reference materials for use both during and after the course.
At the back of the book, you will find a glossary of the definitions of the terms and concepts used throughout the course. You will marquee series microsoft office 2016 pdf free find an index to assist in locating information marquee series microsoft office 2016 pdf free the instructional components of the book.
As You Review Any method of instruction is only as effective as the time and effort you, the student, are willing to invest in it. In addition, some of the information that you learn in class may not be important to you immediately, but it may become important marquee series microsoft office 2016 pdf free. For this reason, we encourage you to spend some time reviewing the content of the course marquee series microsoft office 2016 pdf free http://replace.me/9012.txt time in the classroom.
As a Reference The organization and layout of this book make it an easy-to-use resource for future reference. Taking advantage of the glossary, index, and table of contents, you can use this book as a first source of definitions, background information, and summaries. Course Icons Watch throughout the material for the following благодарен, coreldraw graphics suite x7 keygen generator xforce free Вам cues.
Icon Description A Note provides additional information, guidance, or hints about a topic or task. A Caution note makes you aware of places where you need to be particularly careful with your actions, settings, or decisions so that you can be sure to get the desired results of an activity or task. Checklists provide job aids you can use after class as a reference to perform skills back on the job. In order to take advantage of everything Excel has to offer, you must first understand the “lay of the land.
What, exactly, can it do? How do you get Excel to do these things for you? It is precisely these types of questions this lesson aims to answer. Like many Microsoft Office applications, Excel has a standard marquee series microsoft office 2016 pdf free that provides you with access to all of the commands, work areas, options, and settings you will need жмите сюда begin developing and using electronic marquee series microsoft office 2016 pdf free in your day-to-day life.
Taking the time to become familiar with Excel’s layout, its various parts, its commands, and its terminology is a critical first step toward your goal of storing and analyzing organizational data. Specifically, you need to be able to locate and identify overall Excel experience key components of Excel on its user interface. In this topic, you’ll marquee series microsoft office 2016 pdf free Excel’s interface, and adjusting your pace http://replace.me/27090.txt its various commands and options, so that you can quickly and efficiently work with your and presentation data in the ways you see fit.
Excel is a powerful electronic spreadsheet program that allows you to store, present, manipulate, and analyze a number of different types of data. Excel’s functionality enables you to work with and analyze massive amounts of raw data in order to obtain actionable organizational intelligence. This intelligence will help you make sound decisions to improve any number of business and organizational operations.
Figure Microsoft Office Excel Spreadsheets, Worksheets, and Workbooks Spreadsheets, A spreadsheet is simply a paper or an electronic document, arranged in tabular form, that is used to Worksheets, and store, manipulate, and analyze data. A worksheet is an electronic spreadsheet that is used for entering, Workbooks storing, and analyzing data in Excel. Think of worksheets as individual pages within Excel that display and allow you to work with your data.
A workbook is an Excel file that serves as a container to store related Excel worksheets. If you apply the individual page analogy to the workbook as well, the worksheets are the individual pages, whereas the workbook is the binding that holds the pages together. The default number of worksheets in a new Excel workbook is one. You can add or remove worksheets to suit your needs and you can name, rename, and rearrange the order of worksheets in a workbook.
The number of worksheets that a workbook can contain is limited by your computer’s available memory. Cells and Ranges An Excel worksheet is arranged in a tabular format, meaning it consists of a series of columns and Cells and Ranges rows that intersect to form cells. A cell is a singular container that you can use marquee series microsoft office 2016 pdf free input and store data.
Each individual rectangle that you see on an Excel worksheet is a separate cell. In Excel, a range is a group of cells that typically contains related data. A range can consist of an entire row or column, a group of cells in a row or acronis true image free download, or a group of cells that covers multiple rows and жмите сюда. You can use ranges to organize your worksheets by related sets of data.
Cell Regions You may also come across the term region in reference to worksheet cells. A region is simply a group of contiguous, populated cells. A region is different from a range because a range can, technically, contain blank cells, rows, or columns; a region does not. Think of a cell reference as the name of a cell, used References привожу ссылку differentiate it from among the other cells on a worksheet.
A cell reference consists of a letter and a number. The letter marquee series microsoft office 2016 pdf free узнать больше здесь the column headers in Excel, whereas the number refers to the row headers. So, the cell on a worksheet that is located at the intersection of column C and row 5 has the cell reference C5. Column headers are displayed along the top of an Excel worksheet and are used to differentiate individual columns.
Column headers begin with the letter A for the first column, and run through the course of the entire alphabet. Row headers are displayed along the left side of an Excel worksheet and are used to differentiate individual rows. Row headers begin at 1 and increase sequentially. Note: Http://replace.me/24223.txt Excela worksheet can contain up to 16, columns and 1, rows.
The last possible cell reference in an Excel worksheet is XFD You will use range references to identify particular ranges of data in your worksheets. A range reference consists of two cell references separated by a colon. The first cell reference identifies the top- leftmost cell in a range; the second cell reference identifies the bottom-rightmost cell in a range.
So, for example, the range of cells that includes the first five rows in columns A through D is A1:D5. The general areas along the top and bottom of the Outer Elements Excel UI contain elements that display information about the current workbook and provide you with access to some of the more commonly used commands and tools.
Figure The outer elements of the Excel UI.
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You also want an ePaper? She holds a B. Mary Anne has more than 12 years of educational experience. Keith Mulbery, Excel Author Dr. Keith Mulbery is the Department Chair and a Professor in the Information Systems and Technology Department at Utah Valley University UVU , where he currently teaches systems analysis and design, and global and ethical issues in information systems and technology. He has also taught computer applications, C programming, and management information systems.
He has authored more than 17 textbooks, served as Series Editor for the Exploring Office series, and served as developmental editor on two textbooks for the Essentials Office series.
He is frequently asked to give presentations and workshops on Microsoft Office Excel at various education conferences. Keith received his B.